Luft Gärtlein Einer Betrübten Seele täglich zu gebrauchen. Hein, I. Ebersbach. 1705. 127 printed pages in German Gothic typeface (a few bottom corners torn, not affecting the text - apart from the last letter of a catchword; many corners creased; text-block thumbed). Original marbled endpapers (front free endpaper partially pasted down). On recto of final blank and of back free endpaper, ink ownership inscriptions in the same hand, dated 1800. Provenance: Joseph Anton Vinaker. 27 x 40 mm. Original brown calf; spine with gilt decoration (rubbed) ; covers with central lozenge-shaped gilt tooling with ten asterisks within single fillet and scrolling decorative boders (gilt rubbed; bottom edges worn). A German prayer book, morning and evening devotions. Not in Bondy, nor Spielmann, nor Welsh. Not found in WorldCat. See lot 217 Arthur Hughton collection, Christies 1979 for 1768 edition.199 firsts2024