Title: [miniature library of classical literature]
Publisher: Carl Poppo Fröbel. Rudophopoli [Rudolstadt]
Publication Date: 1820
Binding: Soft cover
Condition: Very Good
8 volumes. Complete harlequin set of miniature editions with Latin texts published by Carl Poppo Fröbel, 1786-1824; black printed text in red borders, individually designed for each volume (minimally spotted; some corners creased; clean copies). The eight books are: 1/ Kaspar van Baerle, aka Caspar Barlaeus, 1584-1648. Virgo Androphoros cum Sponso Eginardo , 1821. vi, half-title, 72 pp. 2/ George Buchanan, 1506-1582. Varia , 1823. x, half-title, 100 pp. 3/ Jacob Cats, 1577-1660. Patriarcha Bigamoscui Hugonis Grotii Historiam Ionae , 1821. iv, 91 [1] pp. 4/ Helius Eobanus Hessus, 1488-1540. Venus Triumphans de qua Joa. Camerarius questus ab Eobano ad Thalamum ducitur et in Hispaniam abiens carmine celebrator , 1822. vi, 98 pp. 5/ John Owen, 1560-1622. Epigrammatum , 1820. vi, 89, [1] pp. 6/ Joannes Nicolai Secundus, 1511-1536. Basia Elegantiae Studiosis , 1821. [2], 60 pp. 7/ Joannes Nicolai Secundus, 1511-1536. Sylvae Deambulaturis Patefactae , 1822. vi, 89 pp. 8/ Marco Girolamo Vida, 1485-1566. Schacchia ludus [on the game of chess ] quem ludendi peritis una cum Iac. Balde Ludo Palamedis , 1820. iv, half-title, [1], 98 pp. All edges gilt. 92 x 61 mm. Elegant green, blue & cream printed card binding with ornamental borders (slightly rubbed). Housed in custom slipcase with black cloth. Each of these editions were considered to be pre-eminent texts - individual volumes were also published in parallel in small octavo editions. After the eighth volume of the miniature edition, published in 1823, and finally with Froebel's death in 1824, the series finally came to an end. Froebel had resigned from his schoolmasters position in 1815 to purchase the Hofbuchdruckerei in Rudolstadt from Caspar Freyschmidt. His diligently printed volumes displayed elegant type, good quality paper and correct impressions. Froebel's knowledge of ancient and modern languages was also an advantage, because he was able to do the proofreading carefully, even correcting the authors. The Hofbuchdruckerei was censorship- free. The Prussian chamberlain Johann Georg Scheffner had his memoirs, which had been abridged by the censor Ernst Karl Wieland , reprinted by Froebel in Rudolstadt, with an appendix containing the passages that had fallen victim to censorship. He also printed the Katzensprung von Frankfurt a. M. to Munich , in the autumn of 1820 , in which Christian August Fischer attacked the Bavarian Minister Maximilian Emanuel von Lerchenfeld, causing the publisher Georg Hartknoch to receive 8 days in prison & fine of 20 thalers and the author 3 years in prison, but Carl Poppo Fröbel remained unpunished because he was under foreign jurisdiction. No copies of the 8 books in WorldCat apart from Schacchia ludus -7 copies. Not in Bondy, nor Spielmann. Welsh, 1687, 3299, 5437, 6221, 6223, 6946. Nauroy, 75-6. E.O.B., 1840, Jenaische Allgemeine Zeitung (36, 225ff). Very rare complete. Seller Inventory # 5276